Fascinating Near Death Experience of Anita Moorjani

Anita Moorjani claimed that she had experienced the most fascinating NDE (Near-Death Experience) of her life. It's because her life-after-death experience gained her spiritual insights (which she now shares today) and miraculously, her serious illness got completely cured.

Moorjani's early background was that, she was originally born in Singapore. But in just a short period of time, they moved to Sri Lanka and stayed at this place until she reached the age of two. They then moved again to Hong Kong where she and her brother grew up.

Both Moorjani and her brother attended a British School claiming that she was often a victim of bullying.

Since Moorjani's parents are of Indian ethnicity, she is able to speak Sindhi (Indian Dialect). And since she grew up in Hong Kong, Moorjani also learned to speak Cantonese (Chinese Dialect). In addition to her Indian and Chinese dialects, she can also speak English. In short, Moorjani is multilingual.

Lymphoma Cancer

As an ordinary citizen living and working in Hong Kong, Moorjani was diagnosed with "Lymphoma" in February 2002. Professional medical doctors were able to confirm it due to the lump on her neck.

What is lymphoma?

Lymphoma is caused by a certain group of "blood cell tumors" (which are due to the so called "lymphocytes"). And the most common symptoms of this diseases is that, the patient will suddenly develop an enlarge "lymph nodes" at any part of his or her body. Anyway, these lymph nodes are not generally painful but they can be itchy. Fevers, sweating (especially at night), weight loss and stress are other common symptoms of lymphoma.

Is lymphoma curable?

According to the survey that was conducted back in 2012, a total number of 566,000 people were diagnosed with lymphomas around the world. As a result, 305, 000 of them had died. This means that 261, 000 got cured and managed to survive.

Lymphoma can actually be cured with our modern day medical technology provided that the cancer didn't spread to any vital organs of the human body particularly the lungs, liver and brain.

Moorjani had Rejected Conventional Treatment

Upon realizing that Moorjani had a lymphoma cancer, she rejected any conventional (medical) treatment or medicine. It's because she had a strong reason due to her past experience watching people close to her died due their cancers. In fact, she even witnessed the death of her brother-in-law and best friend who died out of their incurable cancer diseases.

So instead of seeking cure from our modern day medical technology, Moorjani had first experimented on various alternative healing practices. Unfortunately, none of them worked. With no other remaining options, she finally underwent conventional cancer treatments. The doctors' examination result came out and it frowned her family because "it's too late" to save her life.

Lymphoma had spread and infected various parts of her body. Her upper part of the body (starting from her neck down to her abdomen) were seriously infected resulting into several lemon-sized tumors. As days goes on, Moorjani's condition became more worse until to the point that her body no longer absorbs nourishment. Her lungs were also often filled with fluid that needs constant draining. And, she stays connected to the oxygen pipe at all times. In short, she was dying.

Resurrection of Anita Moorjani

Moorjani's near-death experience occurred on February 2, 2006 when she was "comatosed". A condition that the patient undergoes a state of deep sleep or unconsciousness due to a severe injury or disease. However, the time that the patient gets awaken cannot be predicted.

The doctors had informed Moorjani's family that most of her vital organs suddenly stopped functioning. This means that she only had a few hours left before she will be confirmed dead. Miraculously, Moorjani remained alive despite of the results speculated by her doctors. Three days under comatose, she woke up alive and live to tell her family about her near-death experience.

According to Moorjani's statement, she both experienced NDE and OBE (Out-of-the-body Experience). Her OBE experience was that, she saw and heard the conversation of her husband and the doctors outside her room. Other than that, she also saw her brother in a hurry to come and see her after he was informed.

As for her NDE, Moorjani came in contact to her deceased father and best friend. They had an interesting conversation and time being together that she no longer wanted to go back into her physical body. But, her father and best friend convinced her to go back.

Near Death Experience

The most debatable claim of Moorjani's NDE was her lymphoma cancer that got completely cured. And now that she has fully recovered, she now shares her story on the internet and books she wrote. One of her famous book is entitled, "Dying to be me".

Skeptics about Moorjani's NDE

On my further research about Moorjani's NDE, I came across some skeptics claiming that her near-death experience were all made up. It's because according to the skeptics, her story was very similar to the fairytales or in the movies. There's the part that the main character died and then met some kind of spiritual entity telling him or her that "It's not yet his or her time". He or she then goes back into his or her healed physical body. Does it sound very familiar?

Moorjani's weakest part of her story was exactly on how she got cured. There was very little proof about her bad diagnosis regarding about her lymphoma cancer.

Moreover, Moorjani was not the only person who claimed to experience NDE and got cured out of her incurable type of disease. There's also Mellen Thomas Benedict and several others more. But common among them was that, they came back alive to share the complete detail of their story on their own book (which you need to buy).

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